Emotional Intensity in Gifted Adults

Friday, May 15, 2020

Emotional intensity is an attribute many of us spend a lifetime coping with, successfully and not so successfully. One day, or one hour, you have overwhelming feelings of intense anguish or burdening sorrow that bring you to your knees and leave you questioning how you can possibly live through the depth of your pain. The next day or the very next hour, your emotions, an ever-swinging pendulum, sweep back to the polar opposite of the despair you were enduring before.

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Learning to Live the Life of a Gifted Adult

Friday, January 17, 2020

But you’re gifted!

—A statement made with a hollow and misplaced tone of congratulations. The sound of sarcasm and envy, although mostly muted, feels like tiny straight pins whose pointy tips pierce the veil of that positive declaration. Yet, the implicit presumptions of a life of success and future eminence in those three words are utterly transparent. Packed into those three little words, the expectations of a gifted individual are unmistakable; you know this because you are acutely perceptive as many gifted adults are. And the heavy burden of those expectations and presumptions land squarely on your shoulders.

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When Giftedness Becomes a Burden

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

When giftedness is not recognized as a human trait, but is regarded as a prodigious intellectual benefit, it can become a burden. When giftedness is tied to and measured by academic achievement, then giftedness is misunderstood. When the expectation of a gifted person is academic and professional success, then giftedness can cause anxiety and distress. Giftedness is a life experience, not an educational experience. Giftedness is not what one can achieve, but who one is.

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The Best Resources for Gifted Adults

Monday, May 6, 2019

Gifted children inevitably grow up. One of the subsequent outcomes of this process of which we know for certain: they grow to become gifted adults.

Giftedness is not a childhood condition or simply a function of education. Giftedness is a lifelong, day-in, day-out , 24-hours-a-day joy and struggle, even for gifted adults.

A joy and a struggle

And this may be true especially for gifted adults as there is a significant lack of research studies and data on adult giftedness, scant information on the behavioral aspects of giftedness in adults, and even less available support or therapeutic help for gifted adults. It’s almost as if we gifted adults don’t exist, but we do. And we are here, shining in all our beautiful, quirky, creative, curious, intuitive and intense glory.

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On Being Gifted: Growing My Wings

Friday, April 12, 2019

“Wings are not only for birds; they are also for minds. Human potential stops at some point somewhere beyond infinity.”  ~Toller Cranston Somewhere back in my early childhood,…

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I’m Coming Out As Gifted

Friday, March 29, 2019

Nope, I never claimed to be gifted. I never believed I was gifted. I understood giftedness because I have three gifted sons and a gifted husband. I saw myself as a supporter of all of you beautifully-special people—I was on the outside looking in, but looking in with my hand and heart outstretched to all of you. Because I got you, I understood you, I supported you, and I loved you.

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Shame and the Gifted: The Squandering of Potential

Monday, March 11, 2019

“Shame is a real and potentially devastating emotion, impacting each of us at one time or another. A sense of worthlessness and an urge to hide or cover…

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Giftedness is 24/7 for a Lifetime

Friday, August 10, 2018

Or to put it another way: we need to sever the misleading associative ties between giftedness and educational achievement that are so pervasive and harmful. Lately, I’ve wondered…

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Your Rainforest Mind: A Guide to the Well-Being of Gifted Adults and Youth {Book Review}

Monday, November 28, 2016

Do you remember your childhood and thinking, being gifted surely was no added bonus? As you watch your child’s giftedness put roadblocks in front of him, are you…

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Workplace Bullying and the Gifted Adult

Monday, August 24, 2015

Bullying. Hearing the word brings to mind the schoolyard bullies many of us encountered on the playground, in the classroom, and even in our own neighborhoods. Those who…

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