10 Things You Never Knew About “Crushing Tall Poppies”
Thursday, January 7, 2016

A few months shy of three years ago, without a thought to the future or a plan in my head, I guilelessly created my blog, Crushing Tall Poppies….
A few months shy of three years ago, without a thought to the future or a plan in my head, I guilelessly created my blog, Crushing Tall Poppies….
“Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.” Often when I think of the perception most of society seem to hold about gifted children, I am always reminded of…
When Gifted Children Challenge Authority and Their Teachers Oh boy! Here comes one of those steep, steep slopes on the raising-a-gifted-child roller coaster. It is that scary ascent…
I’m not THAT parent. Having a gifted child, an intellectually gifted child, does not make me THAT parent. There is no need to sound the alarm and send…
Your child is gifted. What happens now? What will his school do now that he has been identified? How will his education change? What do I do if…
Gifted children are misunderstood and so very often miseducated, and they may even be bullied, envied and shunned. Being gifted is not at all what many people believe it to…
No Child Gets Ahead No Child Gets Out Alive Double Back Around To Pick Up The Children We Left Behind Act No Child Left Untested…
Giftedness can seem as though it is an inherent gift all would love to have. Yet, gifted advocates, teachers of gifted students, professionals who work with gifted individuals…
“You will never get teachers to understand.” “Too many teachers only see gifted children as smart, high-achievers.” “It’s the word gifted. Change the word and maybe it won’t…
Reflections on guilt, t-shirts, loneliness, heartache and fitting in Who would have thought that cleaning out my gifted child’s closet—sorting through the keepsakes, the clothes to donate, and…