A Gifted Child Speaks Out: The 7 Things He Wants You to Know
Sunday, January 5, 2014

Given the chance to advocate for himself, my gifted 14 year old sure had a lot to say about being gifted. As parents, mental health professionals and teachers…
Given the chance to advocate for himself, my gifted 14 year old sure had a lot to say about being gifted. As parents, mental health professionals and teachers…
Gifted children are often misunderstood by society– Wait. You know what? I’m gonna write this truthfully. I’m going to write this from the heart. I am going to…
When I say that myths and misunderstandings about giftedness abound in our school systems, I know this fact first-hand–there are schools, administrators and teachers who really don’t understand giftedness at all. Of course, this is not true of all teachers, but it is true of many who received little to no information about giftedness in their college education curriculum.
Public schools are underserving and miseducating our gifted learners, and they have for decades. This failure continues despite what research has shown us as well as the ever-increasing…
Traditional School is a Hostile Learning Environment for Gifted Visual-Spatial Learners Just as gifted individuals often discover that their giftedness feels like both a gift and a curse, those…
Have you heard the term Tall Poppy Syndrome? Generally, a tall poppy is a person who stands head and shoulders above others for various reasons such as intelligence,…