A Gifted Memory
Monday, September 1, 2014

“Mom, you remember my first tricycle with the push bar that screwed in on the back?” “Yes”, I replied, quizzically wondering where this conversation was going to…
“Mom, you remember my first tricycle with the push bar that screwed in on the back?” “Yes”, I replied, quizzically wondering where this conversation was going to…
Non-confrontational, a little shy, avoids uncomfortable conversations, rule-follower – not exactly the most optimal personality type the parent of a gifted child would need to ford the deep,…
My child, my wonderfully different child, I love you. Above all else, I love you. From the moment you were born, I knew that you were different,…
My son is gifted. She’s gifted. All three of my children are gifted. You just can’t say this to anyone, you know! These are loaded declarations that you…
Given the chance to advocate for himself, my gifted 14 year old sure had a lot to say about being gifted. As parents, mental health professionals and teachers…
Every child is gifted It is a contentious statement to some, to say the least. But, of course, it all depends on your definition of “gifted” and…
When I say that myths and misunderstandings about giftedness abound in our school systems, I know this fact first-hand–there are schools, administrators and teachers who really don’t understand giftedness at all. Of course, this is not true of all teachers, but it is true of many who received little to no information about giftedness in their college education curriculum.
Public schools are underserving and miseducating our gifted learners, and they have for decades. This failure continues despite what research has shown us as well as the ever-increasing…
Networks are glorious and productive creatures, and our networks that advocate for gifted children are extremely dynamic, passionate and purpose-driven. These networks, made up of parents, educators,…
Miseducated. Underserved. Unchallenged. Neglected. Misunderstood. Mislabeled. This is a pretty grim string of adjectives that can accurately describe the lives of many of our gifted children in…