To Whom It May Concern: Being Gifted Sucks Sometimes
Monday, March 13, 2017

To the parents who wish for their child to be gifted. To the teachers who think gifted children should easily excel in school. Or for that matter, to…
To the parents who wish for their child to be gifted. To the teachers who think gifted children should easily excel in school. Or for that matter, to…
Dear Teacher, Welcome back to school. My child is so happy to be in your class this year. We know you are an excellent and dedicated teacher and…
“You will never get teachers to understand.” “Too many teachers only see gifted children as smart, high-achievers.” “It’s the word gifted. Change the word and maybe it won’t…
Reflections on guilt, t-shirts, loneliness, heartache and fitting in Who would have thought that cleaning out my gifted child’s closet—sorting through the keepsakes, the clothes to donate, and…
Yes, I have gifted children—born, not made. And I will no longer be ashamed to say my kids are gifted. I’m a former public school teacher turned homeschooling…
Gifted children and anxiety often seem to go hand in hand. Experiencing their world more intensely as well as having a more intuitive understanding of complex connections and…
This is a guest post from one of my incredible readers, Erin. Erin posted a comment on one of my posts–this poignant story of her giftedness, and her experience…
The physical and mental filter through which outside stimuli enters the mind and body of a gifted person seems to be equipped with an automatic 100X Increase Sensory…
“Emotional intensity in the gifted is not a matter of feeling more than other people, but a different way of experiencing the world: vivid, absorbing, penetrating, encompassing,…
SENG, Emotional Intensity in Gifted Children “Giftedness has an emotional as well as intellectual component. Intellectual complexity goes hand in hand with emotional depth. Just as gifted children’s…
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